January 18th 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. KEY
January 19th 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. CEO
January 20th 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. CEO
Getting the right people on the right seats of the Bus … There is not a single factor that has greater impact on the success of your organization than the people you choose. Research conducted by Jim Collins for his best-seller Good To GREAT concluded that the great companies put the right people before strategy.
When you have the right people in place, the issue of motivating them and driving them to produce results largely goes away. If you don’t have the right people, the best strategy in the world won’t save you.
The goal of this program is to provide participants with practical, easy-to-use tools to help then assess candidates more objectively. The focus is on behavior-based interviewing, which has been shown to be three to five times more effective than the traditional interview.
About William Wagner
Bill Wagner is a consultant, professional speaker, entrepreneur and author. He has conducted more than 600 Vistage presentations and has been a Vistage member himself since 2001. He has devoted nearly all of his adult life to understanding entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship: first as a student, then as an entrepreneur, and now as a teacher.
He was selected as Vistage’s “Above and Beyond” Speaker of the Year.
Bill’s firm, Accord Management Systems, Inc., is a behavioral consultancy. Established in 1995, Accord provides the necessary tools to Get the People Side of Business Right. From selection to succession. Tactical issues to the Strategic aspects of Talent Management. His company offers a series of interrelated surveys and services that are designed to improve employee performance and financial success.
Bill’s first book, “The Entrepreneur Next Door,” contains research conducted on 1,500+ entrepreneurs. In this benchmark study, Bill measured the personalities, emotional intelligence and brain dominance of this group. This research shows How to Master The Gap that exists between who we are compared with the behavioral requirements of their position.
His second book “Mastering the Gap” includes the personality survey results of 5,000 successful business owners. It also includes their survey results of their position. More than 90% of all leaders are in agreement as to the behavioral requirements of their position which is the good news. The bad news is that only 35% are perfect for their roles. Meaning, we all have to change our behaviors in one way or another to better do our job. Bill’s presentations capture this dynamic and bring our challenges to life.