As a leadership development professional for the last 20+ years, I’ve earned a reputation for helping companies of all sizes improve their performance and profitability while managing the challenge of growth that inherently comes with purposeful strategy and deliberate execution. My role has primarily been coaching the CEO, but it also includes the key management team and all levels of staff, resulting in consistent increases in growth by 10 to 50% year-over-year performance improvements.
Beyond “getting the right people in the right seats of the bus,” as Jim Collins says, the most dramatic and long-term result of my coaching is that the “culture” of the organization becomes healthier and more profitable. I have earned the reputation of creating positive, performing Culturecentric™ companies where employees fully engaged in the corporate strategy and find that a positive work environment improves their emotional and financial well-being.
I am a facilitator and coach for Private Peer Advisory Groups for the St. Louis Area for Chief Executives, who run companies with $10M-$250M in revenue. As a leadership and organization development professional for the last 20+ years, I have earned a reputation for helping companies of all sizes improve their performance and profitability while managing the challenge of growth that inherently comes with purposeful strategy and deliberate execution. My role has primarily been coaching and developing the CEO, but it also includes the key management team and all levels of staff resulting in consistent increases in profitable growth by 10 to 30% year-over-year.